How to Buy YouTube Accounts and Subscribers?

Muniba Chaudhary
4 min readJun 29, 2021


Yes, this is the most successful advertising channel on the world, with over 2 billion monthly active clients! It’s YouTube, of course. Steve Chen, Chad Hurley, and Jawed Karim, the people behind YouTube, they were three former employees of the United States e-commerce company PayPal and registered YouTube on February 14, 2005. The site was drawing 30,000 visits each day right after it started on a constrained beta basis in May 2005. YouTube was offering over two million views on YouTube every day by the time it was formally launched on December 15, 2005. Around January 2006, the view count of videos had risen to more than 25 million. In March 2006, the amount of videos available on the site topped 25 million, with more than 20,000 new videos being added every day. YouTube started delivering over than 100 million videos each day by the summertime of 2006, and the amount of videos being posted to the site showed only growing day by day.

image by BiZkettE1

Building a YouTube account from scratch might take a long time; therefore it’s easier to purchase an established account with a massive following. Before paying someone blindly to buy a YouTube account, make sure you understand everything there is to know about the account. It’s fantastic for you because the channel is already profitable. The fact that the YouTube channel you’re buying already has a dedicated following is a plus for you because you won’t have to put in any extra work to grow your audience.

Having a large subscriber base is beneficial for ensuring views since it allows you to develop a large audience much faster. High and low perspectives are influenced by a variety of variables.

1. The larger the number, the more power. Audiences pay greater attention to videos with a large number of views because they carry more weight.

2. YouTube also prefers the most popular videos since it knows that certain demographics love them, so it will rank them higher in the search results and suggested videos sections.

You may skip the work and get that viewership right immediately by purchasing a YouTube account with a large following.

Here’s how to buy a You Tube account.

Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels

It’s not as simple as purchasing a YouTube account. Before you buy it, there are a few things you should bear in mind.

· First, you have to look for a buyer and for that there are plenty of reasonable dealers on several websites.

· Before making any deal you should ask some questions to the owner of the YouTube account, and answers will have an impact on the channel’s worth, and hence on the price you’re willing to charge.

· Must consider the subscribers of that YouTube channel as they are the pillars of believe in that process.

· The bigger fish in the market prefer to acquire a monetized account since they know it generates income and attracts ratings.

· The more videos posted and of good quality, the more valuable the account becomes.

· As the saying goes, “old is gold.” The older the account, the more credible it is. If an older account has active interaction from its subscriber base, it may be worth more than a younger channel with the same degree of engagement.

Photo by Anna Nekrashevich from Pexels

Wrapping Up:

To wrap it up, YouTube has advanced from a video sharing site to a stage for viewer created content, because viewers, mostly young generation can relate to the authenticity of viewer created content. YouTube is the world’s third most popular web destination.

As of now you are aware of the most common points to have in mind while you plan to buy a YouTube account. If you want to buy a YouTube account, all you have to do is search for the channel owners’ contact information and come to an agreement with them. I hope you found this article useful. Thank you!



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